Comparative study on the Health state of students in wrban and Rural Distiricts 도시(都市)와 농촌(農村)에 있어서의 건강도(健康度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
17(0) 1-9, 1978
Comparative study on the Health state of students in wrban and Rural Distiricts 도시(都市)와 농촌(農村)에 있어서의 건강도(健康度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
In order to compare the health condition and knowledge for health and health state of the students in wrban and Rural districts in Korea, a questionnaire survey was administered for the selected 2 droops of high school from 16 to 17 years old. Analysis of the Subject’s physical Condition has three pasts-Physical fitness ; organic Function, sport movement Test, Knowledge of good and evil about health education proposed to general program.
The health condition was evaluated in terms of physical Condition Medical history presence of diseases, and other iterms.
Within the limitations of the study the following conclusion were reached;
1. Anthropometric were the better high, school student’s living in urban area then the rural area students
2. Vital Capacity and Back strength were superiorto Rural area students
3. Greater proportion of Students living in urban district Indicated to have disease of the respiratory duct such as bronchitis, asthema and disease of the skin, nose, eyes, ears, and anemia than those in Rural. Students in urban district were inferior to those in Rural district in the health Condition.
4. Students living in rural district had suffered from disease of teeth and peptic vlcers and excremental blood and Constipation.
5. Students in urban district had much Knoweldge of good and evil about heaeth education and program than rural students.
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A Kinesiological Analysis of Shot-Put 투포환(投砲丸)의 기동학적(機動學的) 분석(分析) (전국(全國) 남(男) · 여(女) 육상경기(陸上競技) 입상선수(入賞選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
柳根碩KunSukYew , 申性休SeongHyooShin
17(0) 11-26, 1978
A Kinesiological Analysis of Shot-Put 투포환(投砲丸)의 기동학적(機動學的) 분석(分析) (전국(全國) 남(男) · 여(女) 육상경기(陸上競技) 입상선수(入賞選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
柳根碩KunSukYew , 申性休SeongHyooShin
There should be lots of requisite elements to improve the record of shot put, that is-we shouts grow muscular force and power.
According to this, initial velocity should be fast so that the force should be thrown through long distance, because of throwing the heavy things, force should be worked generally in order get acceleration, our feet should push ground to touch the surface of land for a long time, and motor skill should make smooth without stopping.
Besides initial velocity is greatly concerned with the throwing angle which is large or small, slant should be preserved so that shot put may be thrown forward from the toe board, and when we throw shot put, height should be kept as high as possible.
But in this research all the intricate skills can’t he analyzed, but I tried to show how the four factors-initial velocity, throwing angle, throwing height, and slant-can be concerned in one another.
To know that, when the best seven players in our country (Male; 4, Female; 3) took part in a national championship series, I recorded their movement in film and then enlarged them so as to analyze.
By doing so, 1 court get the following results.
1. The average of initial velocity of the thrown shot put was 10-11 m/esc for men, and 9-10 m/sec for women. This shows that power juns short of.
2. The average throwing angle is generally 33˚-47˚ for men and 31˚-36˚ for women which are very low. Whenever they threw, throwing angle is different and there is no stability because of the wide range.
3. The average throwing height is 1.83 meter. It is lower than Cureton’s report by about 0.38 meter.
4. By the fact that the test of throwing at the back of toe board(about 30 centimeter), I see that they throw in a disadvantageous position and few forward slants.
The above results indicate that every player have common defects. If they put to right those, their records will be able to improve very much.
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Experimental study on Reinforcement of Reaction time under post-hypnotic suggestion 최면잔여암시(催眠殘餘暗示)가 반응시간(反應時間)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
17(0) 27-33, 1978
Experimental study on Reinforcement of Reaction time under post-hypnotic suggestion 최면잔여암시(催眠殘餘暗示)가 반응시간(反應時間)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
Assuming that every atheletes would play well when they could adjust well to the continiusly changing situation.
The writer selected 8 students(male 4, female 4) and tested each reaction time, Under the conditions of under post-hynotic and nomal states respectively.
So, he got the data showing that the time shortened 14% under the experimental condition that in the nomal one.
And with male students, it shortened 11% than with the female students.
It is, therefore, expected that, it the training methods under post-hyponotic would contribute to the reduction of reaction as well as to the development of skills in any sports.
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A study of physical fitness and weight control in the weight class sports 체급경기자(體級競技者)의 체력훈련(體力訓練) 및 체중조절(體重調節)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
17(0) 35-47, 1978
A study of physical fitness and weight control in the weight class sports 체급경기자(體級競技者)의 체력훈련(體力訓練) 및 체중조절(體重調節)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
1. This study is to get some fundmental data of physical fitness training and weight control for a better competitive abilitv by analyzing the reality of physical fimess tranining and the practical method of weight controlling.
2. Method
Tins study was proceeded through questionnaire which asked total 93 competitors of Judo, Wrestling, Boxing and Weight Lifting (62 competitions from Korean National College of Physical Education and 31 from Korean National Team)
3. Results
1) Regardless any of the 4 events, all competitors do their training much more in the afternoon than in the morning.
2) In general the first and most training method which the 93 competitors do is Bench press, the second Tine training, the 3rd Burpee and the 4th Cross country.
In terms of each event, Judo competitors usually do Tube training most, Wrestlers do Bridge, Boxers do press and Hammer, Boxers do press and Weight-Lifter s do Squat and Press.
3) The description of training was made by competitions themselves and coach, but there is not much Trend that they keep their loading, time (duration) and frequency (repetition) which are essential in training.
4) They usually do various morning exercise approximately 60 minutes for a good maintenance of their physical fitness.
5) They reduce 2 or 3kgs of their usual weight and the duration of weight control is 3 or 5 days.
6) The practical method of weight control is Running + Diet in Judo and Boxing, Running + 3auna is Wrestling, and Diet + Sauna in Weight-Lifting.
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A study on the living consci ousness of the sports player - especially on the college players in seoul area - 운동선수(運動選手)들의 생활의식(生活意識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅱ) (서울시내(市內) 대학선수(大學選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
17(0) 49-59, 1978
A study on the living consci ousness of the sports player - especially on the college players in seoul area - 운동선수(運動選手)들의 생활의식(生活意識)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅱ) (서울시내(市內) 대학선수(大學選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
I. This study is made for the purpose of providing basical materials to develop good sports players as to have correct college life and all-round personality formation, catching up their living consciousness, since they are more interested in employment problems after qraduation rather than scholarstic knowledge development.
II. Total of 250 players were examined by inquairies of the Football, Basket ball, Base ball players, having 1st rank to 5th rank, at the Spring Contest in 1977
III. The result shows:
a) Must develop study will controlling practice hours of the players.
b) Emotional education is necessary since they recorded ther spare time spending were not creative and productive.
c) To develop study will, deep understanding of the college authorities and couches.
d) Active method and many cooperation for the management of players is necessary by the school authorities for the better future of the students.
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A research on the learning consciousness and the learning actual condition of athletes at a college 대학운동선수(大學運動選手)들의 학습실태(學習實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) (개인경기(個人競技)와 단체경기(團體競技)를 중심(中心)으로)
17(0) 61-70, 1978
A research on the learning consciousness and the learning actual condition of athletes at a college 대학운동선수(大學運動選手)들의 학습실태(學習實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) (개인경기(個人競技)와 단체경기(團體競技)를 중심(中心)으로)
I. The purpose of study
As this thesis instils learning consciousness into the hearts of college athletes and makes assurance on smooth learning, it offered the data of striving for the research and development of the making scientic and study in sports.
II. Method of study
This thesis grasped the learning consciouness and the learning actual condition with an object of total members of 225, and they consisted of 150 persons within the 14 lines among the individual race athletes and the 120 persons among the team game athletes belong to the university of Seoul special city.
III. Results of study
1) The analyses for subjects of study presented ordinary comparatively, but the causes that subjects are many were showed it large specific gravity in locking of basic capability.
2) The hardest subjects were presented with a foreign language, and a natural engineering department, and most of all athletes possessed a lot of mental burden about a subject of study.
3) In unfaithful college athletes on their lecture hours, The causes were presented with the shortage of elementary knowledge and taste for subject.
4) No progressions for subject of study were presented rather a losing of will and a shortage of taste for subject than a shortage of study hours.
5) An opinions for learning progression on college athletes hoped for the lecture of conversation method and the cultivation of elementary knowledge for only athletes.
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An experimental study on training methods for Physical Fitness of Volleyball Players 배구선수(排球選手)를 위(爲)한 훈련처방(訓練處方)의 효험적(效驗的) 연구(硏究)
曺英浩YoungHoCho , 李相哲SangChulLee
17(0) 71-78, 1978
An experimental study on training methods for Physical Fitness of Volleyball Players 배구선수(排球選手)를 위(爲)한 훈련처방(訓練處方)의 효험적(效驗的) 연구(硏究)
曺英浩YoungHoCho , 李相哲SangChulLee
The purpose of this study aimed at getting the effects of the weight-and-circuit training on ten volleyball players of H University, based on the checks made three times a week for two months. Followings are the results gainded.
1. Muscle Strength
a) An average of 2.9㎏(P<0.001) has been increased in left hand grip strength, while an average of 2.8㎏ (P<0.05) has been increased in right hand grip strength.
b) Back Strength has been increased by an average of 13.7㎏ (<0.001)
C) In sit-up, an average of 15.5 sit-ups (P<0.001) has been increased.
This result shows that muscle strength has been greatly imprived by the weight-and circuit training.
2. Agility
a) In side-step, an average of 0.4 side-step (0.025
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Cinematographic analytical study of jump shoot in Handball Hand Ball Jump Shoot의 영상분석(映像分析) (여자(女子) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
17(0) 79-94, 1978
Cinematographic analytical study of jump shoot in Handball Hand Ball Jump Shoot의 영상분석(映像分析) (여자(女子) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
This is to make a comparable analysis on jump-shoot motions of handball players in the long-shoot zone.
For this analysis, the writer has referred to a 16mm motion picutre showing complete performance of the Korean, Japanese and Chinese players who participated in the Asia Regional Qualification Games for the 7th world Ladies’ Indoor Handball Championship.
The subjectors were selected each 2maximum scoring players among who does the shooting players among who doer the shooting with the ball grasped in one hand (Group-A) and not grasped (Group-B).
The result of this study are summarized as follows:
1. As for the angle of take-off leg in jump motion. Group-A proved superior to Group-B.
2. Concerning the flying time (from take-off till release). Group-A stayed longer than Group-B.
3. Group-A rendered longer horizontal transfer distance then Group-B.
4. In ball velocity. Group-A was 18.73m/sec. Group-B 16.04m/sec to 16.64m/sec wher-by group-A was faster.
5. In height of release. Group-A was higher than Group-B.
6. Group-A was longer in horizontal transfer distance of individual joints jump till Release, and faster than Group-B enen in transfer velocity.
7. As for the angle of elbow joint while swing, Group-A stretched the arm longer than Group-B, making the resistance arm longer extended. In velocity change of shoulder. elbow and wrist of the throwing arm, Group-A made more use of joint of such components than Group-B.
8. Concerning the angle changes of the shooting shoulder, Group-A wound the shoulder widly lowback-wards and then released at 30˚-35˚ ahead of perpendicular line, whereas Group-B pulled in the ball-grasping hand towards the shoulder and made a narrow swing and then released near the perpendicular line.
9. In the extent of shoulder-mobilizing angle, Group-A was wider than Group-B, where Group-A made a circular motion on an axis of the waist and Group-B on an axis of the shoulder.
10. Group-A showed higher leap-up of the leg opposite to the take-off leg than Group-B, consquently releasing a larger transition in the center of grauity.
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A comparative study on the history and the form of Kyunghyang Seung Moo and Honam Seung Moo 경향승무(京鄕僧舞)와 호남승무(湖南僧舞)의 유래(由來) 및 형태(形態)에 대(對)한 비교연구(比較硏究)
17(0) 95-116, 1978
A comparative study on the history and the form of Kyunghyang Seung Moo and Honam Seung Moo 경향승무(京鄕僧舞)와 호남승무(湖南僧舞)의 유래(由來) 및 형태(形態)에 대(對)한 비교연구(比較硏究)
The aim of this study is To contribute to the works of the traditional Korean dances and for The study of Korean dance history by Comparatively researching the present kyunghang Seung Moo and Honam Seung Moo especially on the traces, the width, the symbolic lines, the movement, the instruments and music, and the costume and decoration.
Kyunghyang Seung Moo was handed down to Mrs. Yung sook Han from Mr. Sung Joon Han, and geometrical, The musics are Yumbul, Dodri, Taryung, Jajin Taryung, Gootgori, and Dangack, and the rhythm of the drum is Jajin Gootgoru The costume of the white Gotgal on the white Jangsam, and still the red Gasa added on them.
Honam Seung Moo was carried by Mae Bang Lee following Daecho Lee after Chong kil Lim. The movement of the dance is coarce and common but dramatic, the musics of it are Yumbul, Dodri, Taryurg, Jajin Taryung and Goodgori, Ane the rhythem of the Drum is Jajin Gootgori and Dangack. The costume is the white Gotgal on The black Jangsam and still the red Gasa added crossly on the shoulders.